Get the insights you need with a detailed picture of your community activity.
Audentio Metrics was built to help communities understand the state of the community, the impact of initiatives, and to make informed decisions. We're here to help you get the data, provide insight, and turn those insights into action.
One report using Google Data Studio to see data across platforms.
With real data results, you can better gauge what needs to be improved and what is successful.
See the big picture or dig deeper into the details by changing several components to better understand your community.
Increase in
Increase in
Purchasable earnings
For one of our clients, we implemented a new membership model and donation campaign as a part of the project.
Increase in
Increase in
Purchasable earnings
Increase in
Number of posts made
Increase in
Number of threads made
Introducing a donation campaign, membership model, leaderboard, and custom achievements were all a part of our strategy to help this school and community for guitarists.
Increase in
Number of posts made
Increase in
Number of threads made
Filter to view metrics by user group, choose a date range, and compare to the previous period.
Metrics from various platforms displayed together in one report using Google Data Studio.
An overview with key metrics chosen to help show the overall performance with additional metrics broken out for more detail.
Our knowledge of communities and technology, acquired from over 10 years in community development.
Additional metrics are tracked for your platform along with dimensions to break down the data.
Go beyond traditional analytics and understand how your users interact with your community and each other.
Reports are broken out focusing on what is important for communities, letting you get the insights you need quickly and easily.